Season 6 Seedings: we're back again!
Here's a quick news post to gather opinions from Div 2, Div 3 and Div 4 teams about what format you would want to get implemented for Season 6. For this particular reason, and due to complaints from lots of people in regard to the current seeding chosen, we have to make a final choice. Well, better to actually say you have to make a final choice because we're coming to you with 2 different formats.
Please note that this doesn't concern Division 1 because our view on it will not be changed. We're asking teams leaders to vote on which solution you wanna see for Season 6. Other constructive comments are also valuable and minor changes may happen to the second solution, which is our current choice but will use the other if teams prefer it.
Check out both solutions here.
Please let us know what option you would prefer by leaving a comment here. Any other comments from people who are not the leader of a Div 2 or lower team participating in this season will not be taken as a vote. You're still free to give your feedback as player, though. Do not clutter the comments below. Forums rules apply, we expect people to act kindly.
We leave you until Saturday morning, European (CET) time to tell us your vote. Once this time reached, we'll go for the most approved solution and nothing will be reverted later on.
12 March 2015, 19:45
12 March 2015, 19:48
12 March 2015, 19:51
12 March 2015, 20:02
if both solutions contain only 8 matches i think Both SUX :O
we will be forced to play vs many american teams and we cant even play more EU teams than NA/AUS ones
12 March 2015, 20:07
12 March 2015, 20:36
12 March 2015, 21:10
13 March 2015, 01:36
13 March 2015, 03:21
In a division group EVERYONE MUST PLAY EVERYONE, else you are favortizing specific teams and that is UNFAIR because some teams are stronger than others and those teams will be harder to take points from. I would call this outright match fixing, to give the lower teams in the top division a greater chance to reach the playoffs, that is damn UNFAIR and not something you should see in ANY sport or e-sport.
Why don't you just take solution 1 and split Div 1 into two groups of equal overall skill? Like this:
Div 1 Group A
Do it yourself
Lucky Chams
Ryan Mitchell
Katy Perry Fanclub
Div 1 Group B
Titus Gaming
This makes these groups of equal size of the other divisions and we don't have some divisions waiting several weeks for the playoffs. And it also makes it fair play, because every team in every group plays eachother! You are making a major mistake if you go ahead with what you have put up here. DO NOT MAKE UNFAIR DIVISONS FOR CHRIST SAKE! What happened to fair play? It got flushed down the toilet.
This is a competetive league, not a kindergarden. The goal should be to have fair competetions without favoritizing ANYONE, even if they are much worse than others.
Let me include a quote from another previous admin with alot of understand for fair play:
11:24 - swalk: they made the top divison with 12 teams, but they only give them 8 matches each
11:24 - swalk: the low seeds only play one of the two top teams
11:24 - swalk: while the higher seeds play both of the top two teams
11:24 - EisTeeAT@work: lol ...
11:25 - EisTeeAT@work: those are ppl that do not klnow any real sport
11:25 - EisTeeAT@work: therefore they do not know how it should work
I would like to see Lucky Chams and Yggdrasil give their thoughts into this as well. They would in my opinion by the teams that are most deserving to reach the semifinals. Would you like to see some of the low seeded teams take your place in the semifinals, because they had a MUCH easier time getting points than your team, because they play much worse teams than you do?
Response from izO (Yggdrasil):
12:37 - swalk: hey
12:37 - izO: hi?
12:37 - swalk: do you want HBZ/Kate Perry or some other low seeded team to take your semifinals spot?
12:38 - swalk: because they have much easier time getting points than Yggdrasil, because they play against worse teams
12:38 - swalk: it is really unfair
12:38 - izO: yes
12:38 - izO: we dont want that
12:38 - izO: at all
12:38 - swalk: especially for you and lucky chams
12:38 - izO: its a shit system
13 March 2015, 05:52
13 March 2015, 06:29
13 March 2015, 07:26
13 March 2015, 08:16
Surely all the low seeds of the top division will like this, because IT HELPS THEM AND GIVES THEM BETTER CHANCES TO REACH SEMIFINALS.
Titus and DIY probably don't care because they will likely win against anyone else anyway, but maybe they will like it because it could mean easier semifinals for them. Who knows.
It really only have a negative affect on a few teams, making their chances of reaching the semifinals much worse.
But it seems like way too few people actually give a fuck about fair play. Really sad to see the new admins fall into that category. #BringbackZefram
13 March 2015, 08:28
Div 1: DIY, Titus, Chams, Ygg, Ryan, DWG, Tau9 , SHAFT
Div 2: Katy Perry, HBZ, elpheer, Handwasher, Eclipsed, DC, Element, NE
Div 3: TAW, GSO, A Certain Vermin, Gief Robot, Radical, FB, DB, ADM
Or even cut tau9, or DWG alongside with SHAFT to div 2, and rearrange the other divisions accordingly. It really doesn't bother me any.
13 March 2015, 08:30
13 March 2015, 09:24
13 March 2015, 09:25
13 March 2015, 09:53
must be a joke.....LOL
Syknik`s suggestion +1
13 March 2015, 10:00
IMO div1 teams should be more active than the lower divs anyway and who cares if div1 is not finished at the same time as div2 and div3...
I feel sorry for the admins :macface:
13 March 2015, 11:30
13 March 2015, 11:45
That means the top division are playing for over a month longer than anyone else. Bad idea, all divisions should be done at around the same time, so we can quickly get a new contest that everyone can participate in. Don't make insanely long seasons please. Don't make teams wait for months without offering them official matches. we've all seen what that does to the activity of the teams..
This suggestion means group play 11 weeks, 3 weeks more than any other season. About an extra month that the top div would play more than the rest of the league. Bad bad bad.
13 March 2015, 11:59
13 March 2015, 12:01
13 March 2015, 12:09
Is it 3 weeks or over a month?
Anyway, there could be 3 "double weeks" where teams play against 2 teams instead of just one. EUs can easily play even during the week against each other and the same goes for NA. As I said, div1 teams are probably a bit more active than the lower divs.
13 March 2015, 12:25
The admins do their best to fit everyones imagination, which is impossible to make perfectly for everyone.
Everyone have a opinion like everyone has an asshole. Nodody wants to see your asshole (except warforce) . Deal with the situation and lets start this season!
13 March 2015, 13:32
13 March 2015, 13:42
Actually no. Things may changed soon or not. Will only depend on Div 1 teams opinions. Bashing about what's the current format or might be isn't helping. Seems that a few people are not able to figure out. I'm sorry if the final choice will not make everyone happy, but it will be done and decided through teams votes. Yeah, for unknown reasons democracy > fairness sometimes, what the hell?
@Swalk, rather than talking and cluttering the comments by turning the original subject about Div 1 issues, you better ask your team to vote for the current question asked in the topic. Constructive comments are allowed, as you do but there's a topic that requires votes.
13 March 2015, 13:53
And please stay with the big div 1!
13 March 2015, 14:54
13 March 2015, 15:35
Make a decision. Get hated on by swalk or iZo or some other loudmouth. You're going to be hated on anyways so be a real leader and get this shit sorted out and running instead of all this dumb bureaucratic shit.
13 March 2015, 16:22
13 March 2015, 16:43
13 March 2015, 17:59
You can NOT vote. Vote is for div 2/3/4 teams.
ppl are saying YGG are trolls cuz they give their opinion and look at those comments... just rofl :D
13 March 2015, 18:11
I vote Option 1
13 March 2015, 18:59
option 1: it's balance
option 2: more matchs
... It's very difficulte
13 March 2015, 19:26
Solution 1 :
A Certain Vermin
United Lowbobs
Der Blanke
Urban Myth
Solution 2 :
Natural Erection
Eternal Squad
13 March 2015, 20:09
13 March 2015, 20:14
With your suggestion, the top divison would play 11 matches, while some teams in other divisons only play 5-8 matches. That is a massive difference. Your idea of a few "double weeks" don't work either because you would not have time to play EVERYONE in the division twice, again making it unfair because some teams are better than others and harder to get points from. Jesus, try watching real sports and see if any of the things you are suggesting are being used there before you start throwing moronic suggestions at the admins. That goes for everyone.
Maybe they could make divisions that are actually fair. I am actually here defending both your team and izO's. I don't care what division we are in or what teams we play against, I just want equal chances to reach the semifinals, for all teams. No favoritizing any teams by giving them "easier matchups" within divisions.
13 March 2015, 22:14
And we have:
5 Votes for swalks Solution (if that is not possible count them as votes for Solution 1)
1 Vote for Solution2
1 didnt want to chose.
So basicly count the vote from DerBlanke for Swalk Solution or Solution1 if nobody elses votes swalk solution.
and most important start this season allready ;)
13 March 2015, 22:27
14 March 2015, 00:26
Swalk option or not, same games for us.
14 March 2015, 04:08
Seriously though, people should stop interfering in matters that are none of their business. Div 2/3/4 teams need to vote for what they want, while div 1 teams need to decide what to do now imo. Just start another vote maybe, even if it delays the season by another few days. I actually agree that teams only playing some of the other teams is fucked up because some WILL have advantages out of that. But there is never going to be a clear decision when the lower teams (SWALK?!?!??!) keep giving their shit into the discussion.....
There should be no problem with div 1 teams having more matches imo, maybe try taking niitze's suggestion into account and at least ignore swalk PLEASE (concerning div 1 matters)
14 March 2015, 05:30
Whenever fair play is being disregarded, I will keep protesting. I don't care if I am defending my own team or someone elses. This is a competitive league, it should be equally fair to all teams.
14 March 2015, 09:51
14 March 2015, 09:58
14 March 2015, 10:22
In previous seasons the teams have played between 4-8 games. I would say that difference of 4 and 8 is pretty significant too. Besides, 5-8 matches? What? In solution 2, div 2 and 3 plays 9 matches and div1 would play 11 matches. I dont want to insult you but you make it very easy.
Im not sure if you understood my suggestion or if you are just trolling, but i did not suggest playing everyone in the division twice. That would be a sum total of 22 games, not 11. I suggested "double weeks" simply to eliminate the length difference between the other divisions. If div1 teams have 2 "double weeks", where they play against 2 teams instead of just one the total length of the division would be 9 weeks, just like div2 and 3.
I dont even. But I am starting to understand why everyone hates you xD
Edit: Btw, I would love to hear how is it "unfair" if all the teams in the same division play against eachother?
14 March 2015, 12:22
14 March 2015, 12:25
I was talking mainly about solution 1. With your suggestion div 1 would have 11 matches and div 2 would have 5. I wrote 5-8 because I included solution 2.
You still don't seem to get the fact that some teams are better than others and are harder to get points from. Having a few double weeks in div 2 would be just as unfair as div 1 teams not playing every other team in div 1, because of what I just said above. Some teams are easier to obtain points from than others.
To have fair group play, every team must play every other team an equal amount of times. That is by far not the case in your idea or the official solution 1, which have now been picked by the admins.
You don't understand? Real sports use fair formats, that gives equal chances to all participants. Wanna hate me for bringing up valid points about fair play? Go ahead.
Edit: niitze contacted me on steam and it seems i completely misunderstood his suggestion. I thought he wanted to have div 2 + below teams play other some of the other teams of their division twice(not all of the teams in their division twice). Which would result in unfair play, alá what the admins have put up for the current top division. I now have found out that this was not what he meant.
He meant to have some of the teams of div 1 to play more than one game per week(with everyone playing everyone once), for two of the weeks. To decrease the amount of time it takes to play the top division with fair play down to 9 weeks instead of 11 weeks. While I think that it is ALOT better than the official solution, I still don't think it is a good idea to make the seasons longer than any of the previous ones, I think it would be best if they were a few weeks shorter than the previous ones. That way there would be room for more contests.
Now you're just intentionally misunderstanding my points to screw with me. Your suggestion is based on fair play, unlike the official solution. After you explained it to me, I understood that. Yet I still don't agree with extending the seasons, even by a single week. I think the season should be about 2-3 weeks shorter than what we have had previously. I also told you this before you removed me from steam for not approving your suggestion. And by the way, I never tried to be your friend, I had added you on steam in case of pcw arrangements/whatever. It's a small community, but everyone doesn't have to be friends. Seems like you misunderstand the concept of "steam friends".
14 March 2015, 12:34
Also, I dont think its a "moronic idea"(+ other insults) to extend season by 1 week to get a balanced season, just because _you_ think its too long.
14 March 2015, 13:44
14 March 2015, 14:37
14 March 2015, 15:32
Dont want to read all the shit u wrote in your last post. I personnally asked Pela to make a vote about the d1 seeding. He did it with those options : option 1 => current seeding, option 2 => your seeding idea (d1 A d1 B). I told him it was going to make everyone (and me first) stfu about seeding. Teams voted : 5 for your option, 7 voted for the current one.
So d1 teams (all of them) voted. And the majority was for the current seeding. Not a surprise, but it's democracy. You are not in d1, so plz, stop drama, lets play a ladder next season, and start this one. Even if you write a fucking novel here, it's not gonna change anything, cuz d1 teams have made their decision by themselves democratically.
14 March 2015, 15:52
14 March 2015, 17:37
1. Implement solution 1.
2. In the case of div2 - 4 having less games, create weekend tournaments during the remaining week of div 1 games to keep those teams busy.
3. Don't split up into EU and NA in any scenario. Have other tournaments later for local play only.
4. Stop creating endless threads for democratic votes. Make a decision that appeals to the majority - you will never make everyone happy.
5. Start your season.
Problem solved.
And lol @swalk thinking that every sport has equal playing conditions. There is always a top, middle and bottom - that's the nature of sport - you can't have a perfect league or division where everyone has an equal opportunity. Be realistic - this is a small niche game which is much smaller than it was 2 years ago - you cannot possibly hope to have a perfect league setup in any scenario.
14 March 2015, 21:35
14 March 2015, 23:02
I'm am not adressing the skill level of the teams or in any way arguing that they should be at the same skill level. The only thing that should make a difference for the teams are their skill and in-game performance. Not what teams they match up against, compared to their opponents. You didn't understand the point at all, I don't even know why I bother.
15 March 2015, 00:20
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