NS2 Gathers, Extras and Merry Christmas
I've set up gathering for NS2 aswell, and fixed more bugs on the website. Whenever you run into those nasty buggers feel free to report them, thanks! You can use the link above to get to NS2 gather page. Make sure you've got NS2 installed, Teamspeak 3 and lots of patience before you sign up!
I've also updated the ENSL Extra article. It includes links and info to old websites like Night Cups and Movie Contest we used to host. Check it out for old times sake!
As a christmas present, I've released ENSL Plugin source code here.
ENSL would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ENSL Staff
thx same to you!
21 December 2011, 19:58
Yeah Merry Christmas to ALL !
i see you made the shoutbox smaller again .. i can alrdy hear the crying that it is to small XDD .. GO DRAMA GO DRAMA GO !
22 December 2011, 08:08
About goddamned time jiriki. About goddamned time.
24 December 2011, 01:30
24 December 2011, 07:18
merry christmas you ratehacking, aimboating, wallhaxxoring germans!
24 December 2011, 09:28
in the spirit of this community:
And Merry Fucking Christmas!
25 December 2011, 16:49
merry christmas
27 December 2011, 14:13
If I'm not in that movie it's going to suck.
28 December 2011, 12:22
Yeah Dugi is right .. watching a movie without a fade getting welded is boring . we need dugis nubfade to enjoy videos !
30 December 2011, 20:12
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