10 May 2016 - 14:54 EDT
So with season 9 paused, we contacted the PDT again to try and push more changes from comp mod into the vanilla game so we can phase out of comp mod, we handed a list to rantology with some essentials, things like exo, grenades and res costs were excluded because of the coming changes to res and the changed exo and grenades.
Phasegate delay isn't in there due to the troubles it would cause with larger teams.
They are currently working on this, progress can be found here: https://trello.com/c/lDBjgDUj/254-merge-nsl-balance-requests
PLEASE MIND that not all of the requested features will be added, and wont all be in the first update(most likely). Things like phantom, eggs, gorge bhop etc have to be heavily discussed.
Please post feedback about this in this thread. For the Egg drops go to: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1692
Regarding the HMG, this might be it, but it will most likely be different from the HMG: https://trello.com/c/4xIcwrdD/246-wire-up-a-machine-gun-for-marines
Shade hive upgrades: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1694
Phasegate delay isn't in there due to the troubles it would cause with larger teams.
They are currently working on this, progress can be found here: https://trello.com/c/lDBjgDUj/254-merge-nsl-balance-requests
PLEASE MIND that not all of the requested features will be added, and wont all be in the first update(most likely). Things like phantom, eggs, gorge bhop etc have to be heavily discussed.
Please post feedback about this in this thread. For the Egg drops go to: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1692
Regarding the HMG, this might be it, but it will most likely be different from the HMG: https://trello.com/c/4xIcwrdD/246-wire-up-a-machine-gun-for-marines
Shade hive upgrades: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1694