4 May 2016 - 10:02 EDT
Hello lovely people,
I decided to leave the admin team due to my inability to work for you lot. Simply I don't have much time on my hands and I am not motivated enough to spend the free time I have on the actual admin work. I would like to stay around as ref/caster and, of course, player. I was also thinking of putting a server or two up, if people want, since the unfortunate departure of the dean0's servers.
Also I would like to point out, that if you are motivated, trusted in the community and would like to be part of admin team, just contact one of the current admins, I think new blood and help cannot hurt.
Also if you need help or wanna ask any questions, most of you have me on steam or can find me on NSL slack.
And before I close this up, I know there is some restlessness in the community, people tend to get touchy and aggressive or trollish, but you are still bunch of great players and I am glad I could help the NSL during my admin career.
Many changes are coming to NS2, some of them you won't like, some of them might be cause of hitreg issues or rubber banding or whatnot, I suggest to actively try and participate in finding the issue, rather than loudly complain, saying it's shit (eg. to dean0). UWE wants logs and videos, provide those instead of insults.
I guess I am veering off here... So go schedule your matches you lazy bastards and I'll see you in the playoffs (hopefully).
I decided to leave the admin team due to my inability to work for you lot. Simply I don't have much time on my hands and I am not motivated enough to spend the free time I have on the actual admin work. I would like to stay around as ref/caster and, of course, player. I was also thinking of putting a server or two up, if people want, since the unfortunate departure of the dean0's servers.
Also I would like to point out, that if you are motivated, trusted in the community and would like to be part of admin team, just contact one of the current admins, I think new blood and help cannot hurt.
Also if you need help or wanna ask any questions, most of you have me on steam or can find me on NSL slack.
And before I close this up, I know there is some restlessness in the community, people tend to get touchy and aggressive or trollish, but you are still bunch of great players and I am glad I could help the NSL during my admin career.
Many changes are coming to NS2, some of them you won't like, some of them might be cause of hitreg issues or rubber banding or whatnot, I suggest to actively try and participate in finding the issue, rather than loudly complain, saying it's shit (eg. to dean0). UWE wants logs and videos, provide those instead of insults.
I guess I am veering off here... So go schedule your matches you lazy bastards and I'll see you in the playoffs (hopefully).