S9: 2nd Div. Group B
Sunday 17 February 2008
19:00 CET
Predictions (9)
Match Report
Kiez marine:
Obs first, no sgs and rather slow capping. Cheesy got trigu's lerk down early in the game. 6:30 to game, ptech, A1 and MT as upgrades. Fallen got second hive up even though kiez tried to hold both with pgs. Later on Kiez was holding surface and got jps against mc + sc. They managed to hold for a while since they downed almost all the fades. Just a little bit later fallen dropped the hive in surface to force them to stay there and hold the pressure.
Fallen marine:
Fallen gets obs first as well, although they didn't use ptech for a long while. Fallen gets rt down from smelter with 2 sgs. Had upper hand at around 5:00 to game with all the RTs they had. Then fallen started to turtle, they should have gotten pg to surf to hold all the rts and the hive. Around this point in time Kiez dropped hive to Smelter and Fallen made a mistake by pushing there with too little tech. The push failed and Fallen lost couple of sgs. Fallen then recapped some rts and started to hang out around mineral. They never got a pg to surface for some reason, i wish they would have also killed supply way.
Score is 1-1 after metal, time to move on Tanith.
Fallen has satcom hive, capped chem, acidic and fusion. Kiez starting off with armslab this time. Kiez tried to pressure some rts but failed. MCs starting go up around 2:30 to the game. Kiez knowing that fades and hive will start to put out soon they get a pg to double. A while after Kiez manages to push to fusion and secure it with a pg. 7 minutes to the game Fallen has two fades, one lerk, two rts and three mcs. Kiez has 6 RTs and a pg in and a pg in fusion an double.Hive is then dropped to waste and it goes up, aliens get an onos. Kiez still trying to siege Waste, but they fail since they have no HA.Kiez then falls back to defend fusion while having cargo, fusion and ms rts. Aliens recap rts and gain mapcontrol.It's only a matter of time when bigger lifeforms start to tumble from every entrance and capture Fusion.
Score is now 2-1 for Fallen.
The rest isn't all that interesting in my opinion.
28 January 2008, 18:02
28 January 2008, 23:43
29 January 2008, 00:06
17 February 2008, 22:04
17 February 2008, 22:09
17 February 2008, 22:21
17 February 2008, 22:33
18 February 2008, 03:37
Stop talking so arrogantly and for the future plz stfu during the match, noone wants to read your comments.
18 February 2008, 08:09
18 February 2008, 19:26
18 February 2008, 19:27
18 February 2008, 21:50
18 February 2008, 22:29
match reports are actually some work to write, Risme isn't arrogant at all, you are just being a dick here now.
your troll account is suspended
18 February 2008, 23:01
18 February 2008, 23:58
19 February 2008, 10:40
btw. fuckbullshitdrunkingepicimbagame
19 February 2008, 11:44
Psykoman's comments are clearly meant for flaming, nevertheless i'll answer anyway. I tried to be neutral in the report, even though I was cheering for Fallen. And I don't think it came out arrogant at all. Writing a matchreport requires a bit of work as Jiriki sayed, you have to keep an eye on the game as a referee, write the report and try to keep an eye on the key events during the game.
Afterwards when i read the report again i noticed it could have been better. But hey, that leaves room for improvement.
19 February 2008, 17:03
19 February 2008, 17:40
"even though I was cheering for Fallen"
I think thats the point :p you could have atleast mention me carrying one alien round and fallen winning one round rly lucky by a bit bad communication with ready up in our team...
19 February 2008, 19:14
19 February 2008, 19:16
19 February 2008, 19:40
19 February 2008, 19:57
19 February 2008, 20:59
20 February 2008, 18:12
20 February 2008, 19:44
20 February 2008, 22:38
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