Custom map cup signups closed
Custom map cup
The signups for the Custom map cup have now been closed. We have 23 teams from the european region, while we have 15 teams in the north american region, including 3 teams from south america. These teams will play the cup regionally, split in groups. The groups will be made from seedings, while the unseeded new teams will either be manually seeded, or be in the same group. This is to try and get as even teams as possible going up against eachother, which should be a help when trying to evaluate the maps. Once the cup is over, we will put up a thread on our forums where the players of these teams can post which maps they would like to be in NSL Season 2, and report eventual problems with the maps.
We will put up the groups, matches and exact times up in a seperate news post during the coming week. It is not possible to reschedule matches in this cup, either you are there on time, or you face a forfeit loss. The custom map cup will be held at Febuary 16th-17th.
Note: We have room for two more EU teams and two more NA teams. Please PM swalk asap if you want to sign up your team to help decide on these maps for season 2, or just participate for fun. Filling these slots is first come, first served.
NSL Invitational #1
As seen in the previous news post, we opened up for signups on the qualifier for the 16 team invitational cup where the finals will be held in Cologne, Germany on April 12th. With a prizepool of 5000$ by UWE and 2300$ worth of gaming gear from Logitech G-Series. This cup is for european and american teams only, as that is what UWE's budget is, for this event. They might do this again and open up for other regions in the future if this is a success. The signups for the qualifiers close at Febuary 18th and the qualifiers will be held at Febuary 23rd-24th. There is a limit of 56 teams on the qualifiers, so hurry up and reserve your slot!
The invitational cup with 16 teams, 8 which are predetermined by seedings from season 1 and 8 which are decided by the qualifiers, will be held at March 2nd-3rd. Both the qualifiers and invitational cup are played on set times, so just like the custom map cup, either your team is there to play the games, or you will face a forfeit loss.
You can still sign up for this by going to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit(scroll down) -> Contests -> Join NSL Invitational #1 Qualifiers Signups
But be fast, there are only 56 team slots in the qualifiers, 24 already signed up, there are 32 slots left!
NSL Season 2
All teams, no matter where you are located in the world, can also still sign up for NSL Season 2! We are also trying to work on some prizes for the season, but nothing have fallen in place yet. You will hear something when we know! The signup deadline for season 2 is March 1st and the first week of games begin at March 10th. Read more about NSL Season 2 here.
honoguard best map worldwide
17 February 2013, 13:30
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