Season 2 signups open!
The signups for NSL season 2 are now open!
Playing in the league
Most of you who played in season 1 may already know this, but for new teams I will describe what it is like playing in this league, and what is expected of you.
When the season begins, you will have one game to play every week. The leagueweek begins on the default day(sundays) and time we have set for each region. Your games should be played before the default time for the next week, so you can reschedule all you want within the leagueweek.
We always expect to have confirmation on time and day from both teams in the match comments, even if you are playing at default time! Putting confirmation of match time in the match comments is a massive need for admins, referees and casters, please do it! Both teams must do it, so we also have some kind of proof of the teams being in contact in case of a team not showing up.
We expect you to get in touch with your weekly opponents and find a day, time and server to play on.
If you need a server, contact gamerkazte, or your respective division admin.
The league play begins at the 10th of March and will last 10 weeks, in the first 7 weeks there is group play, round robin style. Then there will be a cleanup week in leagueweek 8(28th of April), to play eventually forfeited matches, or matches from the group play that for some other reason haven't been played yet. In leagueweek 9(5th of May) the playoffs begin with semifinals. And then finally finals and 3rd deciders in leagueweek 10(12th of May).
Once the season begins, we will put up newsposts with the matches every friday to remind you about your matches on the sundays.
Creating a team
- To create a team, register an account and go to Agenda -> Create a new team
- Get your players to register and tell them to Join your team in their Agenda.
- To accept your players on the team, go to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit(scroll down) -> Members -> Change Joining to Member/Leader/Deputee.
- To join the league, go to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit(scroll down) -> Contests -> Join NSL S2 Signups.
- You're done, check the signup list for your team name to see if you've done it correctly.
Geographical Location
Just like season 1, we are open to teams from all over the world.
And provided that there are enough teams from a region, we will open a new league for that region.
In season 1 we had European, North American and Australian leagues. It could be possible to open up an Asian or South American league depending on how many teams from the regions are signing up. If we open up for a new region, we will need a regional division admin from that area.
If there are not enough teams from your region, we can move your team to the closest geographical league if you wish for that. But if youre playing in another regions league, you will have to play on that regions servers unless your opponents allow for another server.
This season the divison sizes will increase to 16 teams, to make it a slightly longer season, and have more competetion.
That is also the prefered minimum number of teams for a region to have their own league, but if we have 8-12 teams from a region, we could also open a league for them, but they would have a longer wait between the group play and the playoffs compared to the other regions.
Divisions are split by seedings, the top 16 seedings from a region plays division 1, split into two groups of 8.
Division 2 would be 17th-32th seeds. and so on.
Seedings, seeding matches
We already have seedings from teams that participated in season 1. If your team did not participate in season 1, you need to play 1 or preferably, 2 seeding matches, since 2 matches gives us more data to work with.
These seeding matches must be organized by yourselves, you can ask any team that participated in season 1, but try to pick ones that are roughly your own level. There is some guesswork to do, that's why we allow for 2 seeding matches.
The teams you ask must be aware that it is a seeding match, and we will likely confirm the result with them after you give us the result.
The seeding matches have to be played like a regular group play match in the season. 2 maps, 4 rounds with the ENSL Season 1 rules & follow the General Rules.
These matches must be played before the signups deadline, check below.
Note: If you don't play any seeding matches as a new team to the league, you will likely get the lowest seed in your region.
These results can be reported to me, swalk, just send me a PM.
Up/down seeding matches
Top 3 teams from any division in season 1(except div 1 teams) also have the chance to move their seedings across the higher divisons before the next season begins.
These up/down seeding matches must be played before the signup deadline. We will be put them up when we get closer, with the default day for these being sunday the 24th of Febuary.
Signup deadline/resign team
The signups for season 2 will close on the 1st of March, and you MUST have 6 players registred on your team before this time!
If you signed up and for some reason do not want to participate or can't get 6 players for the signup deadline, please contact me, swalk, or any other admin.
We are still looking for more referees and shoutcasters, if you would like to be either or both, please contact me, swalk, or any other admin.
Custom map cup
We recommend any team that wants to participate in season 2, to participate in the Custom map cup. As we will not take any feedback about the maps from non-participants of the cup very seriously.
But hurry up, the signups for the custom map cup closes on friday the 8th of Febuary!
Hope alot of you will sign up and make this another great season!
Swalk and everyone, thanks for your good work!
3 February 2013, 08:16
Great stuff, looking forward to it :)
3 February 2013, 15:13
Congrats for ENSL ! You guys are doing the NS2!
3 February 2013, 18:47
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