Weeklies Taking a Break

ENSL weekly is taking a break due to the lack of news. To replace it, there will be separate newsposts whenever necessary. If you want to keep a good track of NS scene events, there's an option to get email notificiations on ENSL newsposts, matches, gathers and so on. The feature is avaible on your profile menu. Go check it out.

-The ENSL Staff.

Bacillus on 22 October 09 09:08



Blank frG | TROLLS

Lack of news you say.

Get a clue!

22 October 2009, 11:35


Blank ZiGGY

lazy, ns poetry or gtfo; also next week league is supposed to start so wtf

22 October 2009, 13:30


Blank Bacillus

At least I wanted to get away from the 'weekly' which was getting material maybe once in two weeks.

I'll probably do some separate season coverage if you guys keep the activity going, so mostly this just means that we won't be posting anything unless there's some actual reason for it. The season coverage probably could have been integrated into the weekly, but at least I seriously wanted to remove the necessity of posting some gibberish every week when there wasn't any stable basis for it.

22 October 2009, 14:54


Blank lump

hire more article writers, get each guy to do 1 a month

22 October 2009, 23:06


Blank ZiGGY

get me a clan too lawl

23 October 2009, 00:02


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

start penetrating maad's ass to make more interviews :)

23 October 2009, 02:27


Blank Vision | Quaxy

More like stop penetrating to get less interviews


23 October 2009, 03:53


Blank TrC | Exertus

ziggy if you can fluent finnish or japanese you have ur clan

23 October 2009, 07:14

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