Season 2 Awards

Put on your best tuxedo and head down to Hollywood for the inaugural ENSL season awards!

(Note: only players who have completed the season in an active team are up for awards)

Best Player

Hickz of Always a solid marine, Hickz took this one step further this season (especially towards the end of the season) by becoming a one-man, all-action army. Unbelievable marine aim and some nice fading puts him head and shoulders above the rest.

Runner-up: Cortex of Insane. Awesome fading earlier on in the season.

Best Leader

b1 of As a previous co-leader of knife, b1 was already a player of known pedigree. A fantastic organiser, no round will show this better than the storm marine round on veil against Insane in the ENSL final.

Runner-up: Invasion of Levitacus. Levitacus have made huge improvements over the last 12 months. This season continued that trend, a 3-1 victory over eventual winners storm being the highlight of the season. Credit must go to all-round player Invasion. But you are still an amis.

Most Improved Player

Dt|Lance of Devil's Talon. As well as leading his clan to an impressive mid-table Division 1 finish, Dt|Lance is now a player with a great marine game.

Runner-up: phil of Flatline-Ns. How long has he been an awesome lerk for?!

Most Improved Team

Flatline-Ns of Division 1. Possibly exceeded many people's expectations with an impressive runner-up spot in Division 1. A clan with a solid alien round, watch out for these guys in the future.

Runner-up: Devil's Talon. A surprise package, this team prides theirself on fantastic team-work, possibly second only to Insane.

Best Fade.

Although no player had a perfect season as fade, this award goes to Cortex of Insane.

Best Lerk.

No dispute: ray kay of Insane.

Best marine.

See above, Hickz of

Other Awards

Division 1, most improved clan: Flatline-Ns.
Division 1, best player: phil.

Division 2, most improved clan: The End Effect.
Division 2, best player: ReD.

Division 3, most improved clan: Finnish Ranger Pöllorna
Division 3, best player: Sharpi.

Special mention goes to Sharpi's Finnish Ranger Pöllorna clan, for winning every single round in division 3!

Mike hopes to start season 3 in January, after the World Cup. New clans can sign up to the web-site now!

That's all for this year. Merry Christmas everyone!
sherpa on 21 December 05 12:08



Blank weezer

what about best skulk, comm, gl'er?!

21 December 2005, 12:13


Blank xassidy

what about me??

21 December 2005, 12:19


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree


21 December 2005, 13:00


Blank Invasion

What's my price.... When do I get it ;o

21 December 2005, 15:05


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree

You won nothing Invamis!

21 December 2005, 16:40


Blank Invasion

best fade: sherpa , teh team UK fade. 0/14

21 December 2005, 17:42


Blank bp

phil haha

21 December 2005, 18:43


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

/*Special mention goes to Sharpi's Finnish Ranger Pöllorna clan, for winning every single round in division 3!*/

Hum whan the clan was asigned to 3rd div and it should be in 1st what result can u expect? xD

Anyway FRP well played in this session ;]

21 December 2005, 19:26


Blank bp

i mean grats.

21 December 2005, 20:21


Blank FreeZe

Rofl :/ hickz and ctx, "k"

100% agree for b1 & ray

21 December 2005, 21:22


Blank Sharpi


21 December 2005, 21:58


Blank lump

Finally someone put this idea into practice again. Would have been nice to see some more opinions going into it but still. good work

22 December 2005, 00:35


Blank d-


22 December 2005, 02:11


Blank aA

why i see awards only for fade, lerk and a rine :(.

22 December 2005, 05:02


Blank crt | BOBER

ctx best fade? 0o

22 December 2005, 06:06


Blank GibbZ | 9L


22 December 2005, 06:17


Blank tjo

great initiative... would be nice with a "best skulk" award as well, there really is more to skulking than not being allowed to fade or lerk.

22 December 2005, 12:51


Blank aA

good skullk can do a fade's job ;x

22 December 2005, 16:49


Blank oma

best onos can do gorges job

23 December 2005, 00:08


Blank Fana | Archaea

I totally understand why they didn't do a "best gorge" award. No-one could ever hope to live up to klatu's impressive gorgeing.

This is kind of an inside joke for us oldschoolers.

23 December 2005, 02:00


Blank pimppy

Runner-up: phil of Flatline-Ns. How long has he been an awesome lerk for?!

..since he discovered mwheel

23 December 2005, 11:36


Blank Skyice

"Division 3, most improved clan: Finnish Ranger Pöllorna"

considering they were in the wrong division. yeah.

23 December 2005, 17:57


Blank aA

fera have you ever try to lerk with mousewheel ?

in my opinion it's imposible to lerk with mousewheel becouse

you just lose your whole adrenaline by using this as jump ;x.

23 December 2005, 18:09


Blank pimppy

yes i have

23 December 2005, 18:51


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree

I find that I can pancake quicker if I use my keyboard. There appears to be a limit on mouse wheel- if I scroll it as fast as I can I hardly go anywhere. If I stroke it at a slow pace, I crash ito the ceiling; but in the heat of the moment I forget to do this, thus I prefer my keyboard.

But it has to be said that I don't like controlling 3 dimensions of movement. I GREW UP ON DOOM OK.

23 December 2005, 19:50


Blank aA

don't lerk fera then :>, if you still think that you can pancake with mousewheel.

24 December 2005, 07:00


Blank sublime

You really can pancake with mousewheel...

24 December 2005, 10:02


Blank phil | Flatline-Ns

lol .. thx aA ..


24 December 2005, 12:15


Blank pimppy


24 December 2005, 13:11


Blank mu

get a 2 jump

24 December 2005, 14:02


Blank aA

sub you're a bad lerk so shh.. :)

24 December 2005, 14:47


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree

Please name a better lerk than Sub in the ENSL?!

24 December 2005, 15:51


Blank dema

hitboxes for sale! get ur hitboxes here! half priced!!

24 December 2005, 15:52


Blank lagga | 9L


24 December 2005, 15:53


Blank lagga | 9L

Or frG he's well pro at lerking.

24 December 2005, 15:54


Blank pimppy

"don't lerk fera then :>"

24 December 2005, 15:55


Blank pimppy

or Cassidy he's well good ":D"


fuck... bant.. :(

24 December 2005, 15:57


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree


Leave frG out though, he is a smart lerk.

24 December 2005, 15:57


Blank lump

I'm a better lerk than sub.

24 December 2005, 16:23


Blank ben

That's not saying anything

24 December 2005, 16:35


Blank mu

i'm the best eu lerk

24 December 2005, 16:45


Blank aA

well fera i'm not lerking, only sometimes and yeah mu is teh best lerk in eu!

Sub just knows "how to stay alive" hmm i heard that somewhere :O.

e-dramma :(

24 December 2005, 19:00


Blank mu

this isnt drama

drama is community-wide and more fun

24 December 2005, 19:20


Blank lump

mu, i'm pregnant and it's your child! also.. i'm your mother and am from the planet Zomg! *Du.. du du.. DA DA!*

24 December 2005, 19:55


Blank mirez | ELOgain

Now , THATS drama :o

24 December 2005, 20:03


Blank weezer

By sherpa (Semper Fi), on 24/12/2005 @ 19:51

Please name a better lerk than Sub in the ENSL?!

- scale

24 December 2005, 21:16


Blank TaH

Merry X-Mas to: Saeppel!,aA,bobbi dick(best Leader!!!!),frG,n44bj,my mum,all the flatline n00bs ;D ,all the Germans,sherpa(do not delete the post^^), emmmm beefi,TUTU and his french friends :>,Freeze,Nella

25 December 2005, 00:37


Blank TaH

i forgot something! the team "s&m" looks like b00nsquad aka rage.ns!

pls dont quit if you 'll lose 1 leaguematch,nothing against you but it happend twice!


25 December 2005, 00:42


Blank word

wtf who is tah? Aaaaaa i remember ur the one that eat skipjacks welder as fade and died :>

mary x mas back tah

25 December 2005, 09:17


Blank aA

25 December 2005, 10:19


Blank pimppy

By tmkay (Levitacus ~), on 25/12/2005 @ 01:16

By sherpa (Semper Fi), on 24/12/2005 @ 19:51

Please name a better lerk than Sub in the ENSL?!

- scale


25 December 2005, 11:13


Blank aA


25 December 2005, 11:47


Blank lump

lol there are 3 people from bs and 2 different people from rage in s&m, it's mainly cfg'ers. WE WILL LIVE FOREVARRR xx

25 December 2005, 12:32


Blank C11H17NO3

and rage got to play 2 matches in 5 weeks, keeps you motivated to stay active

25 December 2005, 19:25


Blank phil | Flatline-Ns

ray ftw :D

25 December 2005, 19:50


Blank Iots | el'pheer

Almost was running out of things to do when in ab queue, thanks to this post + replyes, that time went down fast laughing. GJ!!

25 December 2005, 22:03


Blank oma

I still think Triggerhappy is the best lerk in eu

26 December 2005, 05:38


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree

Scale is a great lerk, very smart in his decisions, but he doesn't have that killer "omg how did you solo 3 SG marines" ability that Sublime does, IMO.

Also, Sublime doesn't get Mr. Ben'd on eclipse like Scale did against storm.

26 December 2005, 12:12


Blank weezer

By sherpa (Semper Fi), on 26/12/2005 @ 16:12

Scale is a great lerk, very smart in his decisions, but he doesn't have that killer "omg how did you solo 3 SG marines" ability that Sublime does, IMO.

who were those 3 sg marines

27 December 2005, 07:46


Blank crt | BOBER

some 3rd division's ones?

27 December 2005, 08:36


Blank sherpa | cisequaltothree

Okay slight exaggeration, but hopefully you know what I mean ^^

27 December 2005, 09:20


Blank weezer

no, i seriously dont.

27 December 2005, 11:10


Blank tjo

There might just not be enough good aimers left around to prove him wrong though tommy... :(

27 December 2005, 11:41


Blank Fana | Archaea

Don't worry guys, I'll save NS.

Oh wait I'm leaving for the army.

(saves me the embarrassment of folding under pressure as Fade yet again I guess hahaha)

27 December 2005, 17:27


Blank lump

don't stop you from never connecting a bullet tho! xDDD

27 December 2005, 20:44


Blank Fana | Archaea

Shut uppppppppppp

28 December 2005, 08:27


Blank beefcake

Hmm.. lol at alot of the shit you guys can say..

(Tah: marry christmas and the happies new year ever mate..)

No matter what "buggeh", will always be the best lerk in eu, just insane to watch him. Thats the best lerk you could find in ns history I have to say. None can do it better than him, frG are close to it, but still far away.

1 January 2006, 16:52


Blank Disqo

Triggerhappy, now theres a flapper!

1 January 2006, 21:29


Blank Fana | Archaea

No offence to frG, because I love both as a player and a sex toy(:9), but he dies way too much as Lerk to be considered a top europe Lerk.

When talking about skilled Lerks, you also have to take into account what kind of Lerk we're talking about. Obviously mst is the archetype of a sporing adrenaline Lerk, while Buggeh is one for the biting celerity Lerk.

2 January 2006, 09:05

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