Grand Open Tournament, Events and Info


Grand Open Tournament


The signups for the Grand Open Tournament are now open!


The Grand Open Tournament is one of our first tournaments which offers a prize pool, featuring a prize pool of $600 for the winning team, and t-shirts for the runner-ups. We hope that this will add some excitement and put some pressure on teams to win and provide some great games! This tournament will take place between December 7-8, and if needed the following weekend as well.

Every team is encouraged to sign up no matter their perceived skill level—this event should provide some very interesting competition! The deadline to register for this tournament is December 4; signups after this date will not be permitted. More information on the ruleset will come soon, so stay tuned!


Current Events and Info


Season 15

Season 15 is still going strong, so please continue to schedule and play your matches! Most matches have been played so far, but there are still a few outstanding rounds to go. If you wish to catch up on any of the action, make sure to check out the Twitch channels of our active casters (found here under the Casters tab). Remember that Season 15’s Group Stages conclude on November 23, so make sure to play all of your matches before then! Finals will take place the following week before the Grand Open Tournament.


Comp Mod

As you have probably noticed, Comp Mod is iterating at a quick pace with our new programmer in place, so a large thank you to Golden for his hard work! Also, we have inducted a new member to the balance team, so please give a warm welcome Doggo!


Casters and Referees wanted

We are still looking for more casters and referees. With the increase in official match activity, we would definitely appreciate the support! If you’re interested to apply, please message Pelargir or infamous on the NSL Discord.

infamous on 13 November 19 15:13


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