Current Members

Member SteamID Rank Comment Joined
Blank Evisuuup 0:0:3231949 Deputee #Emily'sHotSisterSarah ""Yeah I'm an asshole sometimes whatever. But I'm no emo faggot life zefram you little pussy ass bitch. Go hide back in your cave of ramen and 99 cent diet cokes from McDonald's you class a fuck tard." - Tap, 2016 17 Nov 15
Blank BauerJankins 0:0:25339712 Deputee herakles about a minute ago tap less than a minute ago lol hypie and golden and locklear just little fags who think there good at this game playing 24/7 and only wanna play together like there married 23 Nov 15
Blank Kmacg 0:1:15433430 Deputee "start a donations tab. could get a lot of salt with that money." -tap" 05 Jan 16
Blank phone 0:0:16215173 Deputee tap: hypie is having long talk with parents about possibly gettin a job at local gas station stockin chips tap: the chips that are about 25% chip and rest air cause hypie arms so lanky she can barely lift the full bags 15 Mar 16
Blank asdfg 0:0:53858458 Deputee "lord forgive me for these fkn dumb ass mothafkn idiots in this gather who havith hurtith my brainith fuckin sakith" - tap KAPPA Kappa KappaClaus #ilovelambo KAPPA 05 Apr 16
Blank Gooch 0:0:36604528 Deputee Bauer is gay Izo™ for life "i'm an innocent pubber pls help bauer is threatening me" 31 May 16
Blank Alite 0:1:14119621 Deputee ELO Albatross 14 Jul 16

Past Members

Member SteamID Rank Joined
Blank ryssk 0:0:23637711 Ex-Member 26 May 16
Blank Tyr 0:0:1559823 Ex-Member 26 Nov 15
Blank Nightsy 0:0:36703535 Ex-Member 27 May 16