S2: 2nd Division
Friday 21 October 2005
16:00 EDT
Predictions (0)
Two Team Squad
Match Report
sorry for so late result, but there was some problems about NSSlayer's valid steam id. gg
22 October 2005, 10:24
22 October 2005, 20:37
In my opinion (and with all due respect) this is bullshit. He apparently *forgot* to change his steamID yet in the rules it states that a steamID is mandatory and if a false one is produced the person in question cannot play. Therefore if the steamIDs had been checked TTS wouldnt have had a team and we would have got 4-0 victory?! But during the match he had the wrong steamID and was allowed to play and has gotten away with it? gg ensl?!
Anyway from what i can conclude its ok to have a merc play for you aslong as he/she switches steam accounts with a clanmember the day after :)
Well I hope this opens peoples eyes.
22 October 2005, 20:54
22 October 2005, 20:56
22 October 2005, 21:08
^ his steamid in the match BEFORE he changed it today.
22 October 2005, 21:09
^his steamID last night during the match.
22 October 2005, 21:12
22 October 2005, 21:16
You speak about open eyes. Please check the demo of the 4th round. I teamkilled nslayer because he completly forgot, what he had to do, and do u know why ? Because he didnt have a computer until the day before the war, and he was a totally begineer.
Open your eyes. We are a very old clan, we have played since ns was first announced. And we will play till there will be clans who think that the game is more important than useless arguing.
We can play only 1 or 2 pcw on a week, plz dont ruin them with such comments.
Yours sincerely: BlackEvil (CL of the TTS)
P.s: Sorry for my poor english.
22 October 2005, 21:20
22 October 2005, 23:11
22 October 2005, 23:34
The rules says if theres is something wrong @ steam ids u have to fix it before the match starts, if not, that player CAN NOT PLAY. And he played.
Theres no pointless, we played fucking bad at tanith, and as u can think, we want win so...
Just make the admins re-think in that, cuz the rules were violated.
22 October 2005, 23:49
23 October 2005, 00:00
unk@def win pr0
seems that nothing changed between the last ensl and this one =]
btw the ref should have checked steam id, if he didn t there is nothing to say, and if he did and let nsslayer play anyway thee is nothing to say
=]so fu and try to win by playing. thx.
23 October 2005, 07:50
Whatever, I don't think only 1 player would change the result of the math, and moreover we just have to accept the ref (or admin) decision.
23 October 2005, 07:59
1. Some of our best players couldn't come because the date of the match.
2. There was no time for us to practise the game and our tactics together.
2. NSSlayer didn't have a computer until the day before the war, and he was a totally beginner.
3. My internet connenction to the servers was awful and my latency was 170-270.
If these problems not appear we mabye win this war...
23 October 2005, 08:26
our circum stances
1. Some of our best players couldn't come because the date of the match.
2. There was no time for us to practise the game and our tactics together. we havnt pcwed proply in a week
2. NSSlayer didn't have a computer until the day before the war, and he was a totally beginner. [ hmm strange how on tanith he was top]
3. the servers was awful and my latency was 170-270. geting 10 choke and loss , 4 second lagg spikes , there the only reason why our fades / lerks died .
4. and tbh if rules are not enforced well we might aswell just hack ,
23 October 2005, 08:49
23 October 2005, 09:14
23 October 2005, 09:20
23 October 2005, 10:15
Kthxbye whiners :)
23 October 2005, 11:50
23 October 2005, 12:06
23 October 2005, 13:22
23 October 2005, 13:40
23 October 2005, 13:40
23 October 2005, 13:42
2. Not just Marshall had probles with his net , In Budapest was Raining and that my net was gone...and very bad.....and it came back only a few minutes before the war so i was happy.
3. Be happy about the result, and dont whine about 1 people's mistake, because we cant play all the week, because we are not rich, and we have to learn/work, our parents dont buy us the good grades, the good jobs, and most importanly the best computers. I play better than you witn 50 fps, and a damn old non optical mouse, well gg
4.Unk you are a joke with your 11 years if you will know how to have sex, we can talk . And accept it, that a fuckin "noob" middle europian country beat you, with on the back with Bird flu, but we have our medicine. whatever....
i would understand if this would be about lord_james or blackevil
nsslayer did a mistake, thats all.
so dear UnK please try to focuse on your upcoming matches and win those on the server, so you wont have to search in the rules
23 October 2005, 13:55
I got a few log that could interest you.
1337 said this on #tts.hu
(20:23:58) (+^1337^) we could of played saterday if you asked earlyer , but ppl made planns because the decision wasnt made yet
and i got this PM with you on SUNDAY, the 2nd day after the war with evil, you can check the date
Session Start: Sun Oct 16 23:03:28 2005
Session Ident: UnK^
(23:03:28) ((
(23:03:28) â€â€Â› query with (UnK^) (~matt@UnKn0wN^.users.quakenet.org)
(23:03:28) â€â€Â› total queries: 266 (~2.1 per day)
(23:03:28) â€â€Â› queries today: 5
(23:03:28) â€â€Â› common channels: @#omgwtfns +#Evil.ns +#ensl
(23:03:28) ((
(23:03:34) (Voodo-) plz make it saturday
(23:03:38) (Voodo-) we cant play on weekdeys
(23:03:58) (Voodo-) it was veryveryveryvery lucky that i could get a team this friday
(23:04:01) (UnK^) we cant play saturday
(23:04:05) (Voodo-) why?
(23:04:06) (UnK^) sort ur team out
(23:04:10) (UnK^) because its saturday
(23:04:13) (UnK^) thats our going out day
i think sunday is much more before saturday....
23 October 2005, 14:15
23 October 2005, 14:25
23 October 2005, 14:54
you didnt win is it that hard to accept?
23 October 2005, 14:56
23 October 2005, 14:57
23 October 2005, 15:07
23 October 2005, 15:08
23 October 2005, 15:11
23 October 2005, 15:34
23 October 2005, 15:42
23 October 2005, 17:40
23 October 2005, 20:29
In my opinion (and with all due respect) this is bullshit. He apparently *forgot* to change his steamID yet in the rules it states that a steamID is mandatory and if a false one is produced the person in question cannot play. Therefore if the steamIDs had been checked TTS wouldnt have had a team and we would have got 4-0 victory?! But during the match he had the wrong steamID and was allowed to play and has gotten away with it? gg ensl?!
Anyway from what i can conclude its ok to have a merc play for you aslong as he/she switches steam accounts with a clanmember the day after :)
Well I hope this opens peoples eyes.
Jesus, Sure they broke the rules but at the end of the day. You played a game and it was fun. Why care about the fact u deserved more points? Its just fun?
I understand where ur coming from. But even so TTS are nice guys they wouldnt try anything sneaky.
23 October 2005, 20:37
23 October 2005, 20:39
23 October 2005, 20:51
I understand where ur coming from. But even so TTS are nice guys they wouldnt try anything sneaky."
zamma really, you have to ask? This is unk your talking about you know. The fact that he would bring those comments to here, and not pm an admin, shows exactly what he is like.
Although, when reading it, two words stood out in my mind.
Aww Didums.
24 October 2005, 10:15
24 October 2005, 11:03
Btw I wish i was you frost?!
24 October 2005, 11:45
24 October 2005, 12:11
than why are you talking here?
24 October 2005, 13:02
24 October 2005, 13:13
24 October 2005, 13:37
24 October 2005, 13:49
24 October 2005, 13:52
24 October 2005, 14:53
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