================================================================================================= ns_moria (beta v 1.0) ================================================================================================= Author: Venomus E-mail: venomus666@hotmail.com Website: http://www.mrman58.freeserve.co.uk/spawningtank File name: ns_moria_beta10.zip Zip contents: Umm, lots of stuff New textures/skies: yes, by me (Venomus), Chromeangel, and Sulsa. Also from tfc and opfor wads. New sprites: yes, by me New models: yes, by me and Esuna New code: no New sounds: yes, from erm ... various sources Additional thanks: To the NS team for created such a cool mod, to ppl at the forums and any others who created inspirational maps, and last but not least to XP-Cagey, and all those who came before him, for creating the l33t compile tools which make this map possible. Description: Huge map set in a sprawling subterranean mining complex (located on an asteroid). Story: Not yet :P Info: OK, this is the first released version of Moria, it is beta and as such there are various 'issues'. I will attempt to list the main ones, in a roughly descending order of badness. - The map was compiled using -cliptype smallest (because I ran into the clipnode limit, obviously), and this clipping method wreaks havoc in areas of complex geometry (eg: rocky areas). Some parts of the map are pretty frustrating to get around as a skulk, with invisible blockages and and 'sticky' corners galore. I will need to find ways of reducing the clipnode count enough for the map to be compileable with -cliptype precise. - This is related to above, one of the main methods I used in reducing clipnode counts was to put loads of clipbrushes around the place. The bad news is, skulks cannot climb on clip brushes, so if you find you cannot climb on things like gratings, this is why. I think this problem would be solvable with a compile tool modification. - Commander mode nice-ification, in the way of func_seethroughs, filler brushes etc, is so far non-existent on this map. It's probably still playable though, just more frustrating than normal. - R_speeds, don't ask :P Actually they are within the recommended limits in most areas, sometimes they go quite a bit higher. I think the highest they go on the ground is about 1000, 1200 for comm view. - Entity counts. I havn't checked exactly what the count is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is over the recommended 300. - Some areas make heavy use of particles for some (extremely cool) effects. I didn't notice any slowdowns involving these particles, but on other systems low framerates might possibly occur. If reading all this didn't scare you away, then have a look around the map. I think it does at least look quite nice :)