________________________________________________________ |Achio Revised | | | |Map author information: | | | | Name: Martin "Kouji_San" Borgman | | Location: The Netherlands, Hoogezand | | Msn: kouji_82@hotmail.com | | Email: martin.borgman@gmail.com | |_______________________________________________________ | Game type: Classic Layout: Semi "horizontal" symmetrical: Hallways and some rooms would be slightly different due to being on different levels, it'll try to simulate a true battleship layout. Map class: Serious Size: Large Env_gamma: 1.6 Resnodecount: 11 Note: This is the new and improved version of ns_achio_v1b2. This map is based on the old map, but other then that it's completely rebuilt from scratch. Some of the layout location has roughly remained the same, lot's of the old areas have also remained but have had a total style revision. Not only that, this map is smaller then the old version. Yet I've managed to get some new "never seen before" areas in Achio. I’ve tried even more to lay the emphasis on Achio being a huge battle ship with the use of lot’s of exterior views. This map also has the 2 button door, which has to be opened either by two marines, two aliens or a smart gorge with it’s spit ball. However in this map this will open up a true double res, the one in the original Achio had only one resnode and one already accessible close by. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this version of the map, also I’m always in for feedback on the layout or other improvement/bugs I can fix. Remember to have fun! Achio revised development thread and links to the old version on the forum: http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?s=6402060270056947712&showtopic=91668 Instructions: To install the map into your steam directory, just extract it in your "Steam\SteamApps\your-account\half-life\ns" directory. Have fun \o/ - Kouji San /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Releaselist: v2b2 (version 2, beta 2): Releasedate, Nov-02-2006 Additions: - Vent Port Generator - Port ION Cannon - Vent H-junction - Messhall - Vent H- junction - Cargo Transfer S-1B - Vent Starboard Generator - Cargo Transfer S-1B - Vent Messhall- Port Generator - Added a func_nobuild at the weldable door in H-junction (Possible PG exploit suggested by Droggog, ns forums) - Light at one of the door buttons in H-junction was missing - With the recreated Water Cleansing I also added a drainable water area. It is kind of a hidden feature - The Starboard ION-Cannon outside view at Skylight - S2 now has damage and an asteroid part protruding to the outside of it - The flashlight from the old Achio has returned. It is located near Water Cleansing - Starboard Generator has a steam particle system comming from the asteroid - Added a TSA Frigate in the skybox on the port side, the design is based on the new readyroom - Added a particle system, orange steam flowing into space from the Starboard ION-Cannon Bug fixes: - Hall of Mirrors bug in Pressure Fluctuation Monitoring (spotted by Droggog, ns forums) - Small brush error in the MS (spotted by Droggog, ns forums) - Big stuck points near MS outside windows (found by Droggog, ns forums) - Stuck points throughout the map near windows - Null textured face in vent near Aft Engine - Null textured face in Y-junction on the ceiling - Added all the lights mentioned in "known issues" of the previous release at the security doors - Onos stuck issues at Cargo Transfer S-1A - Onos stuck issue at top entrance of Loadingbay - Port Material Displacement Core could be seen trough the sky brush from Skylight - P1 - Clipping hull bugs at Port Generator, Port ION Cannon and Skylight - P1 - Weldable at H-junction (it now has one button) - Fixed the red glow from the planet Nerva spotlights, which were previously not very noticeable because the pitch was set to -90 (down) It will now cast a red glow onto and into Achio from the planet at Starboard Skylight - S2 and the Main Bridge Changes: - Removed Port ION Cannon resnode and added a resnode in Cargo Transfer S-1B, there was a noticeable gap in the resnode layout. This keeps the total resnodecount at 11. Decision based on a suggestion made by Swiftspear, ns forums: "I think go for 11 nodes including double, since double is a little tricky to enter some games it won't come into play right away." - Optimized walls, corners, floors and ceilings to lower clipnodes and leaves significantly - Optimized some textures near the 2 button door which were adding unnecessary r_speeds - Removed the asteroid impact site at Port generator, instead added one more hallway exit - Gave the Port generator a different look then it's mirror twin Starboard Generator, this will make it easier to distinguish between the two - Made some changes to Port Hallway Stabilizer and surrounding hallways - Vent north of H-junction is now a 90-90degree bendy vent, due to clip annoyance and lighting error - Changed the stairs in both Cargo transfers into slopes - Water Cleansing has a new look - Made ns_achio.wad compatible with the old version of the map (ns_achio_v1b2), went from 435Kb to 827Kb. - Added -nodynbounce to the rad compile process, as a result saved about 60% of used light data, v2b1:94.3% --> v2b2:39.6% The bsp filesize has been significantly decreased because of this, v2b1: 9,72 Mb --> v2b2: 6,32 Mb - Added 2 bounce to the final lighting making the lighting more smooth, colorfull and the map overall a little bit brighter - Redesigned the readyroom, the old one was kind of a last resort because of the engine resources - Lowered the view hight for the commander. Lowering r_speeds for the commanderview and to make it easier to select and build things Chart: Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 111/400 7104/25600 (27.8) planes 15632/32768 312640/655360 (47.7) vertexes 31498/65535 377976/786420 (48.1) nodes 16349/32767 392376/786408 (49.9) texinfos 21720/32767 868800/1310680 (66.3) faces 23553/65535 471060/1310700 (35.9) clipnodes 31424/32767 251392/262136 (95.9) leaves 7812/8192 218736/229376 (95.4) marksurfaces 30793/65535 61586/131070 (47.0) surfedges 107700/512000 430800/2048000 (21.0) edges 56582/256000 226328/1024000 (22.1) texdata [variable] 7640/4194304 ( 0.2) lightdata [variable] 2491869/6291456 (39.6) visdata [variable] 373819/2097152 (17.8) entdata [variable] 143144/524288 (27.3) 123 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 6635270 bytes === /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ v2b1 (version 2, beta 1): Release date, Oct-06-2006 Known issues: - Null textured face in Y-junction on the ceiling - A few lights on the security doors are not present, making these areas overall darker - 800+ r_speeds when looking towards the two button security door - Resnode count and placement might not be correct for balance Chart: Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 113/400 7232/25600 (28.3%) planes 16249/32768 324980/655360 (49.6%) vertexes 32752/65535 393024/786420 (50.0%) nodes 16815/32767 403560/786408 (51.3%) texinfos 21681/32767 867240/1310680 (66.2%) faces 24679/65535 493580/1310700 (37.7%) clipnodes 32543/32767 260344/262136 (99.3%) leaves 8180/8192 229040/229376 (99.9%) marksurfaces 31963/65535 63926/131070 (48.8%) surfedges 111911/512000 447644/2048000 (21.9%) edges 59073/256000 236292/1024000 (23.1%) texdata [variable] 6660/4194304 ( 0.2%) lightdata [variable] 5932362/6291456 (94.3%) visdata [variable] 389563/2097152 (18.6%) entdata [variable] 144030/524288 (27.5%) 126 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 10199477 bytes === /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\